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While I was 4 months pregnant, I found myself needing emergency surgery which included a four day stay in the hospital. I've avoided western medicine and hospitals as much as possible in my life, preferring natural and traditional medicines, but this situation was something so incredibly different. I was most afraid of receiving unnecessary medicines and undergoing unnecessary tests, that would harm or have negative side effects on both myself and my baby. Thankfully I knew Brandon offered a service of divining medicines and with his help, I could make informed decisions during my stay at the hospital and find medicines (hospitals give soooo many) that would not be toxic to my body or the baby, so that I could stay within my sacred sphere of energy, something I work so hard on. Brandon helped me stay calm throughout the whole ordeal. There was a very scary first diagnosis, which Brandon identified right away as wrong, this saved me and my family from going into intense fear and making a situation far far worse than it had to be. When the first diagnosis was thrown out by the medical doctors at the second hospital and the true issue identified, Brandon and I were able to hone in on the underlying energetics that had/ were manifesting physically in my body. This allowed me to connect with the root of the issue and begin releasing it before I went into surgery. The ability to connect on this level with what was going on created a transcendence within which stayed at the forefront of my experience throughout the entire, hospital stay, 6 week recovery time. We were able to find medicines that worked for both me and my baby and track and eliminate levels of radiation in my body and the baby from the various tests that had to be performed. I no longer fear hospitals or doctors or medicines, things that before had a sort of power over me, because I have the tool of divining to find the truth within everything. Brandon's divining services along with his grounded presence in the Divine made all the difference in my experience where instead of falling victim to a system I don't support I could navigate powerfully, making choices from an empowered place, and fully receive the help I needed. I'm so thankful for Brandon's gifts of Divining and his passion for teaching and helping humanity!
Aaron Lynas, Designer"Donec luctus tincidunt turpis, eu gravida ligula et tristique sed. Donec finibus ex eget tortor placerat tristique. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing."
Connor Ardill, ManagerThe plasma waters offered through The Breatharian Institute have greatly increased the quality of my and my family's life. This is the only water that my family drinks. I have a 2 gallon glass jug with a constitutional formulation divined by the Institute in the kitchen. I use this water for all my cooking and tea preparations. I also have a glass jug with a constitutional formulation in the playroom for my toddler where she helps herself throughout the day. The minute the waters arrived in my home, I felt a calming and uplifting presence. I was soooo happy to be able to add the waters to the birthing tub for my son's birth, it was a beautiful experience and a very easy transition for him into this world as he was quite accustomed to the plasma I was drinking during my pregnancy. The zinc and gold waters were critical to my postpartum healing. I also applied drops of the zinc and gold to my son's umbilical cord. We did a lotus birth with both my children and for his where we used the plasma waters, his placenta detached after 3 days, whereas my daughter's detached after 6 days. And to the parents who choose to do lotus births, you know how challenging it can be! These waters seriously have so many applications and what I am sharing here now is a fraction of the ways I have experienced a benefit from them. For the conscious parents and people out there that are actively creating a higher dimensional world to live in, these plasmas are an essential tool and ally for manifestation. I only wish I had the plasma waters from the Institute sooner. I was first made aware of plasma water through the Keshe Foundation. My partner and I ordered the basic set of 4 plasmas. We initially experienced an upliftment in our energies, however we quickly surpassed the plasmas capabilities and they actually began to leave a drag in our energies, a feeling of debt and burden. The plasmas from Sam and the Breatharian Institute have a lightness and expansive feeling, a true connection and access point to the Infinite. One other remarkable way these waters helped my family was with our sweet cat. She was attacked by an aggressive cat and had a large puncture wound, about the size of a boba tea straw opening, on her tail. Her tail was immobile and we thought it was possibly broken or that she would have a crooked tail the rest of her life. Through the art of divining, which I have also learned from Brandon, I found it necessary to apply the blue water to the wound twice a day for 5 days. We did this by adding the blue plasma to a warm bath and dunking her hind in it. There was no resistance from her at all during this process and after the 5 days, the wound was completely healed. I was seriously shocked. Within 2 days her tail had full mobility and she was playing again and at the fifth day there was only a slight red line where the round would used to be. I am so grateful to have access to these plasma waters, they increase the quality of my and my family's life 100 fold. It is so empowering to have solutions to so many of life's challenges and desires right at my fingertips!
Linda Collins, Accountant