the Breatharian Institute of America
The Breatharian Institute of America (BIA) is a School of Higher Spiritual Learning.
The Soul Purpose of the Institute is, and always has been, to set Humanity Free.
This Life is a learning ground for Us to learn the Science of Creation. As children of the Creator, We Are InDeed creators.
FULL DISCLOSURE: We All have a genetic KNOWING that we "should" be further ahead than We are, and that we are currently being held back . This is true and for many of Us, this knowing is accompanied by a deep sense of grief and Feeling that "Life isn't Fair". This is both true and untrue. There was a time long ago, when Humanity was ready to begin the Ascension Process and Protocols.
The Ascension Process, which at this stage could accurately be described as the Pinacle of the Ascension Cycle, was meant to be a relatively pain free process in which the Human Family culminated in One Heart, One Mind, and with One Desire which is to end needless suffering everywhere on Earth and beyond. This Natural and relatively painless process was thwarted by a rogue group who have come to be known as the Illuminati.. There were certain groups, or families, which held the Knowledge that was Needed to set Humanity Free on this Path. They were very powerful families which held this knowledge under the preordained agreement that when the time came, they would release the Information Humanity needed in order to set Us All Free.
This group was aware of the Truth that as long as one of us is suffering, ALL of Us is suffering. Yet, they chose to keep the Information to themselves which caused Us ALL to be locked in this 3D world for much longer than needed.
The curriculum of the BIA includes, primarily, the Science of Divining.
This vastly misunderstood Science is something that is utilized throughout the levels within the Institute.
The BIA utilizes Divining Science in order to teach the Science of Creation to Students, due to it's ability to assist the practitioner in detecting the finest of energies. The Technique that the Institute is proprietary and you'll only learn it Here. We often refer to this Science/Art as Quantu Divining because it can detect the finest of pre-physical energies. It is not held to the laws of space or time, and is limited only by one's imagination and skillset.
Divining, in the Highest sense, starts with ulilizing a device that is in Harmony with the Higher Self.
In times passed, Our God-Bodies were sufficient to accomplishing this, and We had no need for external devices. Here and Now, given the current circumstances, we are best served by finding or creating objects outside of our bodies, in order to establish the Reference Points on which to build a body that is in Harmony with the Higher Self. This is because we have created and environment and foods which are not in harmony with the Higher Self, thus creating a body that is not in harmony with the Higher Self.
If we truly understood (innerstood, and overstood) this predicament we are in, the NEED for such an Institute would be very clear.